Category Archives: Lung Capacity

Large Bodies Can Burn 2,232 Calories in 90 Minutes!!!

At my current body mass of 328 to 336 pounds Bikram’s Hot Yoga burns approximately 2,232 to 2,313 Calories in the 90 minute class!!! That’s roughly 2/3 of a pound! Wow.

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Posted in Advanced, Beginner, Body Weight Training, Burning Fat, Calculating, Extreme, Health, Intermetidate, Lung Capacity, Motivate, Muscle verses Fat, Results, Science, Shredded, Strength Training, Target, Technical, Transformation, Yoga | Leave a comment

How To Increase Your Lung Capacity

“You can increase your lung capacity by playing a wind instrument, breathing in through a bamboo straw, or a breathing exerciser, or exercising and exerting a lot of energy to create an oxygen deficit that your body needs to work … Continue reading

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Posted in Lung Capacity, Mind, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) | Leave a comment

Increasing Your Lung Capacity Using A Swimming Pool

“PLEASE HAVE SOMEONE MONITOR YOU DURING THIS WORKOUT!” Brad Scott Fitness brings you the Lung Capacity workout.

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Posted in Fit For Life, Health, Lung Capacity | Leave a comment