Category Archives: Burpee aka Squat Thrust

“The burpee, also known as the squat thrust, is a full body exercise used in strength training and as an aerobic exercise.”

Deplush Your ABS

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Posted in Burning Fat, Burpee aka Squat Thrust, Calisthenics, Fat, Focus, Motivate, Strength Training, Yoga | Leave a comment

Tightening Up Loose Skin After Losing Weight

This is a question that many large people, including myself, have asked our doctors. Just yesterday in fact I asked yet again and the answer was the most unsatisfying “let’s cross that bridge when we get there”. I’m a science … Continue reading

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Posted in Anatomy, Body Fat Percentage, Body Weight Training, Burning Fat, Burpee aka Squat Thrust, Calisthenics, Fat, Health, Intermittent Fasting, It takes time and work, John Calvo, Motivate, Muscle verses Fat, Nutrition, Shredded, Strength Training, Target, Technical, Transformation, Yoga | Leave a comment

Difference Between Body Building and Strength Fitness

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Posted in Advanced, Beginner, Body Weight Training, Burning Fat, Burpee aka Squat Thrust, Calisthenics, Fit For Life, Focus, Gaining Muscle Mass, Intermetidate, Martial Arts, Motivate, Nutrition, Perfection In Action, Performance, Results, Shredded, Strength Training, Target, Technical, Yoga | Leave a comment

44 Best Burpee (Squat Thrust) Exercises Ever!

“The burpee, also known as the squat thrust, is a full body exercise used in strength training and as an aerobic exercise. It is performed in four steps, and was originally known as a “four-count Burpee”:

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Posted in Advanced, Beginner, Burpee aka Squat Thrust, Calisthenics, Extreme, Funk Roberts, Intermetidate, Strength Training, Target, Technical, Workout Plan | Leave a comment